White Wing Greens
With the current problems that we are having on the greens
at White Wing we have decided, with the support of the Golf Committee, to go to
temporary greens starting Tuesday, May 6, 2014. We feel that it will be more
beneficial to alleviate foot traffic stress now and perform the necessary maintenance
to reestablish the turf quickly, rather than keep the greens open and have
sub-standard putting conditions for a longer period of time. Once the turf is
healthy again and meets our playability standards we will resume play on them
at that time. The progress of each green will vary and so the greens will open
back up at different intervals. Progress will be posted in the communicator and
the maintenance Blog so that all of our residents are up to date on the
progress. Recently we have seen signs of increased growth since the
temperatures have gone up and we are on a very aggressive fertility program.
Moving forward we will use the time line provided below.
April 29th – May 5th
Prepare the temporary greens by mowing out an area in the
fairway just short of the original greens. The temporary greens will be mowed
and topdressed just as a normal green would be so that it will play with some
consistency. Temporarily switch to a solid flag color rather than red, white,
blue (front, middle, back) and keep the pins located in healthy areas of turf
and away from high traffic walk up areas until we go on the temporary greens.
May 5th
Aerify, verti-cut, fertilize, topdress and flush the original
May 6th
Open temporary greens for play
Continue on fertility and cultural plan
Legacy Hills Greens
May 5th
Legacy Hills only having a few greens that are weak we are
going to temporarily switch to a solid flag color rather than red, white, blue
(front, middle, back) and keep the pins located in healthy areas of turf and away
from high traffic walk up areas. This will continue until the weak areas are
healed. Just as a reminder, all of our flagsticks have prisms built in them for
the use of range finders.
Cowan Creek Greens
The greens at Cowan Creek were aerified this past Monday and
should be completely healed up in the next seven to ten days. They will be
rolled and topdressed during this time to insure that we still have a smooth
putting surface.